Saturday, April 14, 2007

Fu Shou Mountain April 2007


Fu Shou Mountain is physically located in the County of TaiChung, Taiwan. However, it is more convenient to access the Resort Farm from the Eastern part of Taiwan, ie. Ilan county. People from Taipei travelled through the XueShan Tunnel 13plus km entirely under the Central mountain range of Taiwan. Fascinating from Engineering prospective, a Major Civil engineering piece of work. That's me and Jenny taken by the "Swan lake", there's a story behind the given name. Story that can only recite onsite. Who wants to goes FuShan, please made a date with us ... free Singaporean Taiwan-based tour guide.

Anyway, one too many so-called Farm Resort is created for the purposes of relocating the Demobilised troops from the KMT era. When the civil war ended between Taiwan and the other side. Troops were demobilised and reassigned to contruction works, which include building of mountain roads and poineering mountain farming communities. FuShou Farm resort is one of them and very much properly maintained with proper housing and farmland.

Highest point within the resort farm, known as the "Haven-Lake" where all magnetic field congregated. You can see people mediating and "chancing", according to the staff, praying is now prohabited but you still can see jotstick sticking around. It's always missy throughout the year and prehaps a clear view only during the late morning period.
The little hut is built for CKS (if you knew who he is), which has a circular couch-seats meeting room with full-height clear glass wall on the second level. A coffee house (tea or coffee only) with seat is located on the ground floor, very friendly staff though.
That' s when the story starts, meeting the .sg lady while sharing the BBQ squib titbit from Second Auntie (she landing on April 12,2007,Taipei). It smelled according to our Taiwanese friend......its bring Singaporean together, just open up the smelly stuff from .sg ..... ha ha ha.
Well, there are plans to develop family tour with a recently added flower garden. You need a guided tour to fully appreciated the effort done and understand the difficulty in gathering the various type of trees, plants and flowers. There is even a single apple tree "attached" with 39 types of apple Gene. Presonally, I like the missy surrounding...its worth the long travel up the mountain.Chan Su .sg working at FuShou mountain....can't image meeting a Singaporean at such ULU places of Taiwan.... Anyway that's her eighth days at work.......unforunately I didn't bring my "LIM CHEE GUAN" Bakua (thanks to my dear friend Douglas, The Singapore is still hanging on my wall) with me... next best stuff I had is the BangwaSolo peanut cookies...that bring us together. It always felt very at home when we talked Singlish lah....
Another resort house built for the same guy CKS. Every great men has his story but I do felt the resort house this gentlemen has is somehow one too many. Just one day after this photo was taken, another of his resort house in YangMing mountain was burnt done, reason unknown. I still preferred to be just a simple man living a simple life. Its too much of an controvecy for CKS.