Sunday, December 26, 2021

Christmas 2021 at Constance

Thanks BG and Constance for inviting us snd fellow friends to their house for BBQ. WuLeeEng came very early to help out with BBQ stick of satay. Looking at the restaurant style setup with tables and chair, must have taken them huge effort to get prepared.
People are kind enough to bring goodies for the occasion, we have fruit cake, Christmas tower puff cake, charxiubao, cheery fruit, lots of liquid and wine, maoshan durian, mini-oranges and most of a full size turkey set for the special occasion. 


Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Sandy & Zac return to SG 11/11

Meet up with Sandy and Zac, went for a simple lunch at 鬍鬚張。Thereafter, travel to TamShui for them to say good bye to MK. Touching moment and friendship.


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Ming Kai Filming 10/10 - 稀遊記

Received a request from MK saying he will Singapore TV is shooting a documentary about Singaporean living in Taiwan. He shall need to gather Singaporeans to organise an outdoor or Potluck event to fill the shooting scene. After discussion, cycling the best option and decided on Taiwan double ten day.

We end the day by meeting at Constance place for a potluck party. Janny is kind enough to source for the Asian foods from Mr,Chee and MIT. Plus cook foods from fellow Singaporeans.

Heard the TV programme will be shown next year 2022 in March period.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

NDP 2021 - Singa club @ Taiwan


Event: Together our Singapore Spirit, NDP 56th - Makan Gathering

Date: Saturday, August 21st, 2021

Time:  5.30pm to 8.30pm

Location: Sunny Day Cafe & Bistro 天晴好日咖啡餐館 , New Taipei City, Taiwan

Description of the event day:-

Singaporeans in Taiwan used to meet up for meal and be connected. COVID-19 since year 2019 has made it much difficult. Thus, it’s a relieve the Taiwan Government recently downgraded the Circuit Breaker by allowing indoor function of maximum 50person. We have a turnout of 32 guests, which is comfortable for safety control. Guests including, Singaporeans job posting in Taiwan, Students, Families and Children.

Most importantly, choosing a restaurant with menu including, Char Kway Teow and Horfun to satisfy the makan culture of fellow Singaporeans. We have a choice to order drinks, including milo dinosaur, which might just one day become a Singapore iconic drink just like SG SLING”. The highlight of the event is perhaps singing to the tune of Singapore National Anthem, watching the whole NDP 2021 party on live telecast together.  Taiwanese present mentioned, that they are always touched by the Singaporeans action and showing their respect by standing to attention and people moving the lips to the tunes naturally.

We appreciate the many Singaporean business entities sponsoring us with lucky draw gift items, which bring much joy to all guests by bringing home familiar stuffs like Tea Tarik, Pandan cake, Salted Egg Chip, Curry paste and BaKuTeh pack, Pound cake, Pineapple tart,  XO sauce, OTAK, Singapore Sling Cocktail, Chili sauce pack, Meal voucher and Wooden coaster.

 Quote from guest:’“和新加坡籍老婆多次參加有關新加坡慶典及活動,也認識很多在台灣的新加坡朋友。雖然同是華人,也許是教育背景不同,受過西方教育的新加坡華人,在台灣頗具競爭力,處處顯示自信,也因為新加坡在國際的地位讓新加坡人內心的優越展現在公開場合。我所觀察的是團結一心的新加坡人,當新加坡國歌響起時我往往感動不已,也希望新加坡的優點也能讓台灣學習,那一天我們也能唱Majula Taiwan! “   from William, Taiwanese

Quote from guest:’“Felt the sense of belonging, also sense citizen’s passion for the nation in the atmosphere. People attending the event are very engage with each other like family, though most are meeting each other for the first.” From Brian, Taiwanese.

Quote from organizing committee member: “A heartwarming spirit in the midst of a rough situation. Happy 56th Birthday Singapore” Janny, Organising committee member.

Thursday, June 03, 2021

Next Journey after Year 2021/5/31

From Left:  IvyChang, ChristyAhBu, Jia Rong, KC, KevinLee, Mindy and 57

After working with the same company for 22 years on the dot. Decided it’s time to part way and continue with life with home. Unfortunately, the elder parents leave before I have chance to be with them.

From left: Doris Chen, Jeffrey Gao, Angel Chen, Kevin Lu, Annie Juan, Coco Hsieh, Vita, Chris Huang.

Monday, May 24, 2021

COVID-19 continues for the second year - Tough

Take ride on 2021/5/23 along Keelung coast where there is few people around. Found this BIG carpark near JinFen, its almost empty carpark. Take a rest and took photo with my car with nice scenic background. Recently, added the Car Roof Rack and Bicycle Racks for taking bicycles around.
Driving along the narrow street of Keelung, one can find many small village community staying at this hilly area which is not easy with many steep slopes. Once it turn corner towards the northern coast in the direction of 外木山. It open up to the sea and great seaview during sunset.


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Bicycle riding with Elvin&Doreen family

Great to go riding with fellow Singaporean and friends in Taipei city. We started from DaDaoCheng where Elvin/PeiPei and Doreen/Francis rented their bicycle. It is great that they bring their kids along for the scenic ride along the river bank.

Looking forward to the next cycling trip. Hope the COVID-19 situation will be controlled soon.

Thursday, March 04, 2021

NPark island-wide routes

 The National Parks Board (NParks) will be curating more island-wide recreational routes in the coming years.

Looking forward when coming home to track the various track planned by Nparks.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Production of melt-blown polypropylene filters

Singapore now able to produce filters for surgical masks, will be distributed to residents if needed
Reported in Straits Times on January 28, 2021

Machines at a ST Engineering facility to produce melt-blown polypropylene filters, which form a critical component of surgical masks. (Photo: Ministry of Trade and Industry) 

Only a when crisis happens, then we realised what are critical in our survival. Only when the reservoirs go dried and we start to panic. When COVD-19 hits the world, shortage of medical equipments become appearance. Should be keep large stock of mask during time or may be a certain portion of the needs? Or may be a small manufacturing facilities that can be upscale when needed. 
Heard somewhere that SG need to be knowledge in Nuclear Technology, why? Not because SG is building a Nuclear plant, but our Neighbour might build Nuclear Plant. SG need to understand what Nuclear technology is about and able to react when time calls for it.
Be prepare and have required knowledge for any unforseeable crisis or needs.

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Sunny Saturday outing at 92水鳥

 Suddenly think of going to this 水鳥92 Spanish restaurant near the bird reserve park at GaunDu.

All packed in my car, with Jenny, Janny Koh, Sandy Ng enjoying our spanish dishes. Fllowed by a trip to MK's dessert shop.