Thursday, May 26, 2022

Suzanne “Let’s meet

Suzanne officially open her Makan shop on May 21, 2022 on a beautiful Saturday. Guest of HK our is Mr. Yip from SG Trade Office.

Doreen Ng and Cindy are very nice to organise fellow Singaporeans to send Suzanne bouquets of flower for her shop grand opening. 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

KC birthday on May 10, 2022

Hoon actually contacted Doreen Ng in Singapore for MingKai's contact and specially ordered the birthday to be deliver to me on May 10th. Make whatsapp call to Hwei and Hoon in the evening and catch up with latest happenings back home. Great to hear all are well back home. Misses you all.

May 2022 Video calls

COVID has disrupted all travelling and social gathering with families and friends. Video call using Zoom or Google Meet is perhaps not perfect but an useful tools allowing people to meet virtually with ease.

For the month of May 2022, Hwei has link up with me while visiting 3rd Auntie living at Redhill. Happy to see she is happy and healthy. 

Also, we managed to arrange a Google meet for high tea with fellow Singaporeans living in Taiwan. It s a different experience gossiping online, hahaha . With Janny still quarantine in hotel travelling back from Singapore.