Saturday, September 30, 2023

Mooncake festival BBQ 2023/9/29

Thanks Janny family for inviting us to their roof top garden for BBQ during 2023 Mooncake Festival, which falls on a Friday. Meet at 5.30pm together with BG and Constance. Luckily, there is convenient parking lots at former AIT office nearby.

Thanks BG for the pomelo and Mooncake gift box. Appreciate Janny for taking time to prepare the bbq stuffs and drinks. I try to bring some extra lighting power to brighten the setting, making the foods looks more delicious. Great company and nice chat not meeting for quite a while among us friends.

NTU classmate visited TaiPing mountain 2023/9/24

Details travel plan formerly put in execution. We wait up 5.45  very early driving to 礁溪 to meet the gang of friends for the long waited trip to 太平山。Driver name is 小吳, a local resident from Yilan and very familiar with the touring area at 太平山。We walks a few short trail and visited a beautiful lake under beautiful sunlight. Prehaps, the fun part is riding the mountain mini-train or 碰碰車。Lunch was simple eating fried rice, but dinner was good with tank-chicken 桶子雞。

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Northern Coast outing 2023/9/17

Finally jenny decided to go for walk at 三芝, where l recommends lunch at this cafe cum art studio. However, we decided to visit 小馬🐎cafe next door where siting is more cozy and we can actually feed the mini-horse. We ordered two drinks.

Drove along the coastline on the northern Taiwan, settle lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant. Return home from direction of KeeLung.

Saturday, September 09, 2023

What is your legacy 2023/9/9

Attended Jenny’s relative funeral at 台北第一殯儀館。Saw this phrase printed under the funeral company , which keep me pondering about my life. Do I need a legacy for just live as a normal human being on earth?