How to play the game
Equipments: 6 dices, each with only one side printed with dot (numbering from 1 to 6). One reasonable size bowl. Plus many fun loving players.
Fund: Each player provides $$$, Multiple of 21 (cents, ten cents and dollar). Try to contribute in loose coins for ease of playing. These will be a consolidate FUND for the game, put in a visible and reachable location for all players.
Equipments: 6 dices, each with only one side printed with dot (numbering from 1 to 6). One reasonable size bowl. Plus many fun loving players.
Fund: Each player provides $$$, Multiple of 21 (cents, ten cents and dollar). Try to contribute in loose coins for ease of playing. These will be a consolidate FUND for the game, put in a visible and reachable location for all players.
For the purpose of explanation: One point of the dice counting will represents one coin (cents, ten cents and dollars).
Game start selection: Organiser will throw the 6 dices to select who starts the game. The dices total number, counting clockwise from the Organiser, he/she will starts the ball rolling.
Game start selection: Organiser will throw the 6 dices to select who starts the game. The dices total number, counting clockwise from the Organiser, he/she will starts the ball rolling.
Then proceed to the next players (clockwise) until the fund is in-sufficent for collection.
Example, if the consolidated fund is left with say 5 coins and the throw dices shows a total points of 7. The player instead, has to contribute 2 coins to the fund pool. Next player will throw the dices. If dices' points is less than in the bowl, the player will collect coins, else put in coins (dice points minus number of coins left) as forefeit.
How the game ends: The game will end only when one of the player strike the same total dices points equal the number of coins in the fund pool. That's when the fun of the game. Each and every players, beside the winner has to contribute to the winner the final points (in coins) in the bowl.
Forefeit: If the dice/s goes out of the bowl, the player has to pay a fine of coins(depending the points that appearing on the dice/s).
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