Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Makan @ Frankfurt & Copenhagen

Wine - it's origin come from grape. Lousy taste if you would taste it raw. The green colour grape are the right one for making into Wine. If you were to use the purple colour grape, it's for other purpose, I think they called it ICE wine.

According to our Guide, making of ICE wind is a complicated and take a long process. Such as, it jacks up the price of the ICE wine price value. The grape is required to be freezed during winter period with snow, couple of times before perfecting the ICE wine. Never forget to pick up good Ice-cream in a cold climate. It "warm" you heart. That how I got my cold, ha ha ha.Makan (Eating) time in Denmark, more meat lah.

The top and bottom pictures, RIB has different favours. Not the meat but the sauce. Tony-Roma still the best I have taken, it has longer rib bone and much tender meat.

German Sausage. Roadside booth and it comes with bread.
Typical breakfast, yes, with meat early in the morning.
GERMAY......................PIG LEG lot of them

1 comment:

Business e-review said...

very tasty !