Thursday, November 27, 2008

BBQ@Warren CCK, 2008/11

下過雨的傍晚很涼爽, 剛好最適合烤肉 . 一家人加上二姨及家人, 一同留下愉快的回憶. 此次的最優食物是KC's 妹妹做的雞翅膀, 加上沙爹.
Not forgetting the new recipe of Fried Wan-Tan which Jenny said she like it very much. Basically, consisting of Wan-Tan skin and prawn paste. Everyone has a nice time, thanks for the chief cook standing beside Jenny, well BBQed chicken wings.

Marina Barrage

Marina Barrage, Singapore Latest Icon belong to the launching of the PUB's 30 years planning of the Marina barrage off Marina Bay right in the heart of the City central. Overlooking the city skyline day and night. Look out for the night scene, couples will find it purely romantic place.

Standing atop Barrage roof-top viewing platform. One can see far to the Seafront and City skyline with Flyer (FairyWheel) standing out.
Barrage, a structural gadget that divides the Salt and Fresh water. It also allows water engineer to regulate the water level, especially during high tide and heavy rainfall occasion.
Do visit the exhibiting gallery within the Marina barrage. It details the development of 30years planning for water management. How water is collected effectively all whole the island country, latest being Marina Bay within the city. One and only one in the world, where many leisure activities can be conducted with easy access by the public using public transport like MRT.