Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tapei Car Show, December 2009

Concept Car by Toyota
Showgirl, a very important factor to draw the crowd and camera.
VW, Caddy with THULE Bike rack system

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

One-sided dices - Good game for CNY

How to play the game

Equipments: 6 dices, each with only one side printed with dot (numbering from 1 to 6). One reasonable size bowl. Plus many fun loving players.

Fund: Each player provides $$$, Multiple of 21 (cents, ten cents and dollar). Try to contribute in loose coins for ease of playing. These will be a consolidate FUND for the game, put in a visible and reachable location for all players.
For the purpose of explanation: One point of the dice counting will represents one coin (cents, ten cents and dollars).

Game start selection: Organiser will throw the 6 dices to select who starts the game. The dices total number, counting clockwise from the Organiser, he/she will starts the ball rolling.
Starts: The First person to start the game will throw the 6 dices, count the total points for all the six dices ( could range from zero to 21 points). He/she will collects the same number of coins from the consolidated pool of fund.
Then proceed to the next players (clockwise) until the fund is in-sufficent for collection.
Example, if the consolidated fund is left with say 5 coins and the throw dices shows a total points of 7. The player instead, has to contribute 2 coins to the fund pool. Next player will throw the dices. If dices' points is less than in the bowl, the player will collect coins, else put in coins (dice points minus number of coins left) as forefeit.

How the game ends: The game will end only when one of the player strike the same total dices points equal the number of coins in the fund pool. That's when the fun of the game. Each and every players, beside the winner has to contribute to the winner the final points (in coins) in the bowl.

Forefeit: If the dice/s goes out of the bowl, the player has to pay a fine of coins(depending the points that appearing on the dice/s).

Monday, December 07, 2009

BBQ with Sunny Low @ 龜山

BBQ session with Sunny Low at his place GuiShan village.
Nice patch of Sun flower, just perfect for photoshoot.
Nice patch of green green paddy field.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Linking KinMen island with Singaporean

The above photograph was taken at a single storey former primary school in ShuiTou水頭 village. It was converted into a museum by the Taiwan National Park Authority. In fact, the whole of KinMen island is in fact, gazetted as a National Park. Due to its historical warring bakground, much of the OLD facades are retain in its original condition.
Exhibits showing migrating pattern of past generations moving southward to南洋. How migrants live in their new home, setup schools and collection of donations in support of KinMen. How migrants remit their hard-earned money back to relative ("widow" wife) back home in KinMen using the Chinese Medicine Hall as remittance bank. It also stressed the "Widow" life when their husband away in a foreign land and hope to come back home one day. The peom written on the wall is beauty and touching.
Part of the exhibit includes the daily life in typical home, with fire wood stove and old-style wooden bed. Life is so comfortable in modern day Singapore. One cannot imagine the life with so little foods or selection to eat. People used to greet each other "Have you eaten", it has its reason behind. Food is hard to come by in KinMen where only peanut is farmed in early days. KinMen now has a golden goose, their county-owned Liquor Factory. All KinMen citizen above 60s is given NT$6,000 per month for just being a KimMen resident.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Year 2010 Chinese New Year Flight Schedule

Jenny and myself will be travel back in Singapore.
Note: total check-in luggage weigh is 20kgs (one person only). Things to remember: Gadget Cup, KinMen DVD, 6 Dices game.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

A short Video, our Young Lady on Horses.

Managed to recoved the short video of Mavis and Megan while in Taiwan's Disneyland, riding horses. They enjoy it very much. Hope they will visit us again sometime.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Year 2008, October - Trip Back Home

The trip of re-learning family relationship, the closeness of family members and the joy of companionship. Father's house is nicely furnish and all utilities is installed. However, he has spent most of his time at Blk.8 with old friends and neighbour. Prehaps, time will passed quickly this way.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Flight Detail - July 21 -26 SIN-TPE

Its a nice moment having the opportunity for family gathering at such serene setting, especially during evening sunset disappearing in the horizon.
Wishes life is full of happiness and cozy moment of time.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Father Growing Old

Reference: - it just expess my feeling.
Imagine him getting up early to make his own coffee. Reading the WangPao papers. No plans for the day. Turning on the TV a little louder than it has to be. Alone at home. Then the phone rings,he answers it, finds me on the line and ased me whether I have taken my meal. Going coffee shop and meeting old friends.
His son, a grown man now,calling from another country, increasingly distant, more and more a stranger; The call, cheering him up, nonetheless. He says, "How are you? How's everything?" He really wants to know. He is my father, after all. He is growing old. But I don't know where to start.
I want to tell him that I love him and that I'm sorry I have to live my own life now. But these are not the things I know how to say from a distance. These are things I know I may never learn to say. So we speak of smaller daily things,and soon this brief connection will unmake itself, and expire.
Expired it will be, being in far away land, one could not provides the on-hand supports and comforts needed daily. It just get distanced by the days. Being far away, every words become in-materials, another annoyance words without responsibilities. It just distanced by the days.

Monday, May 11, 2009

A bottle of Swedish Ramlosa Material Water

Our company actually distribute this product years ago when little is know about material water, bubbling gassy type from Sweden. It take a while getting use to the taste, especially a great thirst killer if you freeze the bottle.
I just can't resist picking a bottle when I found it at a Denmark Supermarket store.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Birthday Dinner

Click on the "PLAY" button to screen a series of photographs.

It brings back Memory.............. it can only be memory. Miss you MOM.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Re-union Dinner 2009 year of the OX

It definitly take up much precious time preparing the re-union meal. But the good time we have override the works altogether. Everybody has a good time. Thanks the cooks.
Just look at the table full of foods, prepared whole-heartedly through the days.
It will be another year of challenge for CNY2010 to beat year CNT2009 dishes.
Video Recording for YuSheng preparation.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Year 2009 New Year gathering

Wishing all friends and family a very cheerful year of the OX.


Place : Nellie @ Tanah Merah
Date : January 31, 2009, Saturday
Time : 12noon to 5pm
Food : Pot Luck
"CHOP" your dishes: >Soon Seng is preparing the "YuSheng" >Jenny will contribute Taiwan's goodies >Nellie special Mee Siam from Maxwell Road, James doing the LEG work >Nonya Cake&Ondeh supplied by Partner York Kah & Steven >Drink from YingPang >YannBing bring home-made JingGua Cake >Bee Bin & James the Fresh Fruit Supplier.