Monday, May 02, 2011

The "Hard Truths" about life from LKY.

Prehaps, aging makes reading the book much closer to owns life. Appreciate what MM Lee has done for Singapore from his earlier days till this days..year 2011.
He mentioned the less know case about the Military paratroop landing excerise (Malayisa and Indonesia @ Johor area, what happen when they miss the landing and divert to ....) during Singapore National Day period. SAF was activate then. I guess it helps the younger generation realising the ups and downs of neighbour's relationship.
One sentence catches my eye....Water issue has been on his mind from day one.....Its a tough job to resolve a long-term issue and always worrying about the possibilities. Until someone invented NEWWATER.
May be the technology will plays a part in our dependency on water. But the most important is, people must be able to dream of the possibilities. Just like landing on the moon. Water dependency will not be existence one of this days in the future, though may be not in my lifetime. I won't be around to see year 2061 when the next water agreement expired. But wondering about Malaysian water flowing into the sea/ocean, since Singapore is not buying it anymore. Will Johore be buying water from Singapore then.
May 6, 2011 - Start reading the section about genetic influence. Remember years back when MM Lee talks about University graduate marriage, etc. Reading his interview shows that he is fully submit to the idea of good gene in getting the best IQ childs. I guess being at his position, he has to made the choice. But I think people on the street will goes other ways, eg, love and life. In a way, it might be tough to be in the political arena where all actions is under the microscope. Remember the time when PM Lee's wife passing away, his private life is under the microscope. Carrying reading the book.........excited about the coming GE too. Though I missed the chance of doing so for so many years...District 10 lah...always walkover.
May 7, 2011 - GE polling day. Facebook and Internet has change the tide in some way. I think the new generation politicans has to engage citizens in the virtual world too beside walking the ground.
May 15, 2011 - Finished the book "Hard Truths". However, I yet to ply open the DVD disk enclosed. Assumed it record the interview session with MM Lee. Guess it will be interesting listening to LKY speeches, I missed his hokkien one. The last I heard was in National Theatre. Wonder how many people below 30years old knows where is the so-called National Theatre. Anyway, my conclusion about the book. Basically, governing is difficult in the sense you can't make everybody happy and you have to worry about country's future well ahead of your time. One paragraph/experience catches me. When LKY went to foreign land. He said, it's not the scenery thats important but talking to the host is more important (he is always learning on the move), like asking why Cars is queuing at be checked. Answer is: checking the emission level or pollution to environment. It has important implication, Singapore car can only last 10years and required annual check for old car. This reduces the emission level and keeping Singapore's to an acceptable level. I say LKY is an very observance person and asked penetrating questions. He has many empirical formula to life, which in most case difficult to swallow for most people. Like, high IQ marry the IQ to produce the high IQ children, graduate mother having more children, etc.
I sincerely believe LKY think for the good of Singapore above all.
Today news (5/16/2011) - MM Lee and SM Goh just announced they with retired from the cabinet and let the new team has their full control over running of the nation.

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