Sunday, August 14, 2011

National Day Rally, Singapore Year 2011

On the 46th birthday of Singapore as a independent country. Listening to PM Lee National Day Rally 2011 over the internet with full HD images is a great moment for me. Thank you for bringing Singapore to the first world country standard, having a Singapore reputation and brand image that command respect especially when you are oversea. Though there are complaints here and there, but Singaporean are proud of their nation overall. Ability to speaks Global languages (English and Chinese) and exposure to international community helps in my survival in a foreign land. Thank you.

It's always enlightening to hear what our nation leader has to say about Singapore. It's past experience, current issues and future direction, where our leader are leading SG to.
Having missed past National day rally when LKY speaks in Hokkien, and now his son speaking in three languages (Malay, Mardarin and English in almost one and half hour long speech). Yes, I have finished the "The Hard Truth" book by Mr.LKY. I love to read his biography. I sincerely believe LKY has done things which he strongly believe is good for Singapore. Though advance in his time, he has foresight.
What government has done for the country, what the people wants from the Government or so-called "civil servants". At certain stage in time, I felt they are slightly arrogant and losing touch with the ground feeling. Singaporean might felt they are foreignlise and somehow they are second-class citizen. Too much talk about the important of FT. It's just like parent telling you day in day out, you have to understand that we should take care of the adopted children (without saying you are "Singaporean first"). You felt poorer, living in this rich little city state which you grow together since young or your predecessor has contributed.

I think the Government has heard the people's concerns and arresting it face-on, though it might not solve all the problems at once or immediately. The HDB is launching 50,000units in year 2011, "Controlling and validating contributing" Foreign Talents or immigration issue, University expanding another 2000places. At the sametime, assuring the MNC than Singapore's policy is predictable and consistent. It's a balancing act in the making, no small task. The term "Singaporean first" is thus created. Someone on the Internet has asked, who are classify as "Singaporean" ?

Medical cases seem to be discussed but somehow there isn't any particular concrete plan about keeping medical cost lower. Though you have mentioned bring the benefit to elder from 65 down to 40, quoting people with stress and heart disease. Is medical cost affordable as PM stated? Would love to hear more about these topics in days to come.

Jurong caven, being a civil engineer, engineering contruction underground interest me. This particular news is already reported on Taiwan newspaper the following day newspaper. It mentioned the important of Petro-Chemical huge contribution to SG's GNP. Black gold under the surface in Singapore, when price of gold is jacking higher. This will keep investors happy and continuously pouring money in island city, keeping jobs. MNC's CEO are our food-givers, they have the chance to speak personally to the PM.

PM mentioned about the case of a mother greeting him "Good Morning" during the evening hour while having his meet-the-people session. I think the mother should also think likewise, PM is also working long hours too. Greeting him Good Evening will be in order but I think she is exhausted.
However, I am curious what if the mother only approaches the NTU administrative herself. Will she get the same result without a simply "concern" letter from PM to NTU. Having been in the service industry, we know there is always a different compliant from email and a "concern" phonecall from the "Management 高層". It makes total difference.
I think mother of University-going children will be thinking of moving to PM's constituency, prehaps, his constituency will see property price hike after this National Day Rally. If you want your children to enter Singapore University, the chance seem to be greater if you are located at his constituency. In the army, just look at the number of crab on the shoulder. Who can ignore those Crabs, sorry its Stars.
My conclusion, it makes a different when you appeal to the MP. Especially, he is the PM of Singapore. Who can disagree?


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