Sunday, October 01, 2017

Singapore Trip , October 2017

October 2017 Singapore trip (celebrate Father's Birthday) 

10/4, Wednesday -SIA flight. SQ877, 1420-1845, Terminal 2
Hwei say he will be fetching us.

10/5, Thursday 
... Lunch appointment  with 健茂 , 伴手禮:奶蘇
... Meet Chiam at Bugis Junction fountain, 6.30pm - dinner is fish soup.
... 伴手禮:薑母茶一包
10/6, Friday - 
... Poly classmate dinner AMK @ Ellenben Sri-Lanka Crab伴手禮:奶蘇
10/7, Saturday - ))) Free day
10/8, Sunday -
... Father birthday party - proposed lunch
... Sunday - Poly@Dover Road. 5pm - 10pm
10/9, Monday - departure , SQ878, 1155-1640, Terminal 3
... Take MRT to airport. Father sent us to the airport.
Delicious Hokkien-style meal with family
Family photograph together

CLS Poly Gathering

Chiam and Hui Huang for Dinner near Bugis

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