Saturday, August 08, 2020

ND55 Speeches - FACE MASK

 Face mask donation speech

1.    Adora, can I have the first slide          Oh No...... l am not discussing about the political fallout from the Errrr ...... posting.
Slide 1 :just type the word“Errrr....”

2.    However, the saga actually brought back touching moment when l received one box of N95 from my brother back home. That was 17years ago.  Almost in tear when I open the box. I call it love from home.  Next slide please 
Slide 2:  N95 photograph

3. At that time, people in Taiwan was “frightened” when 和平醫院 was quarantined. No living human, healthy or not, can leave the hospital compound. Such thing only happens in movie, I am actually experiencing it LIVE.  It was due, at that time, an unknown virus, which is later named SARS. 

3.  Now in Year 2020. Singapore faces another serious pandemic crisis. Much more serious as compared to Taiwan, Fear of unknown.  Couple with kaisu fear for foods and daily items shortages. Though the SARS contingency plan was established 17years, l guess the plan is just not enough. Immediate fear was the lack of protective devices for the population at large.

4.   By that time, it didn’t reflect on me to stock up face mask. It just too late. All face mask seem all disappeared from stores and worst. Taiwan BANNED face mask shipping out of the country. 

5.   At this stage, I start to worry about families and friends back in Singapore. Felt so helpless not able to help in such critical moment, not even face mask.

6.   Just two weeks ago, a member of our organising committee received  boxes of face mask from her mother in Singapore. 
Next slide please: Adora mother’s mask shipment photograph.

7.   Dear friends, what did you see from this picture..................... I see Mother’s love!

8.   On this day August 9. I want to do something for my beloved country in a very small way. Just a token. And l hope you do the same, perhaps a practical way to express our love for Motherland and care for our love one .... back home.

9.  We estimate a box of face mask cost about NT$300. You can donate $300 more. We will consolidate the amount collected and deliver by our sponsor “Quantium, Taiwan SingPost” back to Singapore.  Majulah Singapura !

10.  KC: Sandy, you have forgotten to share something important with our friends here today? 

Sandy : what is it? 

KC: with a small donation of $300, you are entitled to a lucky draw ticket! The top prize is _________ courtesy of Shangri la hotel. 

Then I’ll go down stage to ask people to donate.


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