Tuesday, April 19, 2022

2022 MaoKong trail hike

MaoKong Trail Hike

1] 集合時間: 2022/4/4 (星期一)上午9點,貓空龍門客棧 。
Assembly time: 2022/4/4 (Monday) 9am , LongMen restaurant front door.

2] 配備: 舒適止滑鞋, 水, 登山杖 ,雨傘,帽子。
Suggested equipments: Comfortable shoes with good grip, water, hiking sticks, hats, umbrella.

3] 交通:開車到「貓空龍門客棧 」台北市文山區指南路三段 38巷22-2號

Transportation: Drive to meet up point at LongMen restaurant.
Kindly provide your car license number so that we can provide restaurant operator. 
Constance : BNU0505
KC : BBH1603
Janny: 6368-EK
Elvin : Rcq8966
LeeFang: BKQ0536
Eunice : RCW1813
Susan: RBR8217
Raymond : RCV2262

LF pickup Jun
BG pickup James&Mee
KC pickup WLY@8am and Ann-Marie@8.15am.

4] 樟樹步道Hiking Routes
Leisure Route about 1.5hours.0
Mostly flat stone laid pavement. 

5] 健行後中午吃貓空餐廳
台北市文山區指南路三段 38巷22-2號
Tel: 02-29398865
Lunch place: LongMenRestaurant
Estimated expenses : lunch about NT$500 per person (kids half price, Plain water included).

Note: Maokong is known as a place for tea, but it’s not cheap, per glass $200+/-. Due to the price and considering not all drink tea, hence lunch cost not inclusive of drinks.

6] 參加者 Participants: 
Hiking and Lunch 

<Table one> 8 pax
Janny & Derek (2+2kids)
KC (2) 
Rachel (2)

<Table two> 10 pax
Philip (1)
WuLeeYing (1)
Lee Fang (1)
RongChang (1)
Susan (2)
Jun May Cheng (1) 
Ann-Marie (1)
BG & Constance (2)

<Table three> 9 pax
Elvin & PeiPei (2+1kid)
James and Mee (2)
Eunice & WeiKiat (2)
Raymond and Angela (2)

Total =   24 adults  , 3 Kids

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