Tuesday, December 13, 2022

One year retirement review on December 2022

One year retirement review on December 2022

Officially retired from Chun Shin Ltd (TW) in Year 2021, end of May. Take a few months to settle down what I can do and scheduling my weekly activities. Started by going easy and fix up long-delayed housing maintenance works and painting jobs. Go online to buy a paint sprayer to make painting a bleeze and some hands tools. Completed all 100% window mosquito net renewal and painting about 50% of house painting surface areas (concentrated on house hall area plus master bedroom). That takes about half a year with regular excising, sweat a lot by going hiking in the nearby mountains. It’s seem hiking up the never ending stairs can really reduces the waist size. Must thanks Jenny for the hiking book gift as reference. With the reference book, I have completed many of Taipei nearby hills and mountains. Limiting myself to about two hours hiking trip with a maximum range of three hours to ensure safe workout without overstressing.

Starts doing Line Dancing and Folk Dancing six days a week from December 2021 with various dance clubs and “night university 社大” classes. This is on top of the Saturday and Sunday Taichi lessons at 新生公園 weekly. Promised to review in one years time, ie. December 2022 the result and effects of such activities, the big question whether will it work for me or not? Will scale down to maximum two classes per day that my body strength can sustain with such vigorous excising. Will skip Wednesday afternoon Line dance session by just having two classes on Wednesday.

In the meantime, the benefits of classes allows one to get to know wide spectrum of people by doing pro-active approach by chat and learns to listen to people’s  life experience and sharing stuffs. Managed to convince Jenny to at least try doing Line Dance at 大安社大 evening class at 東方社大. Surprisingly, Jenny has the gift and relatively easy for her to follow the lessons progress. She completed the second class term and now heading towards the three term when new class start in February 2023.

As for the hiking activities, it would be great to have company for such event. 「可遇不可求」Join couple of groups, but it will need to match in few aspects, like own body strength and stamina, like and dislike chatting topics, preferred hiking routes and speed of hiking moments, matching each person time slots is a skill set itself too.

Co-incidentally, during the period of COVID starting from year 2020. The urge to gather among Singaporeans in Taiwan is high and surprisingly people gets together to do National Day party at Shangrila hotel. That bring us a gang of fellow Singaporeans together and since then a regular gathering and much fun time. Well, a kampong spirits has develops among us and hope retirement will be more exciting with more friends around.

In the meantime, keep myself engage with social media by setting up Facebook, IG and blogs. Facebook page “我在新生公園的日子” purpose is to record my weekly activities in the park while doing Taichi practise together with Jenny. At the sametime, training my observation skill and good eye for things. Keeping a record of foods and dishes, I put the relevant photos using IG with dual purpose of keeping up with new social media tool. Continue my blogs which was setup many years ago, both the English and Chinese blogs. This helps formed up my digital dairy, if I need to looks back happenings in time.

Calculating my financial worth and starts seriously looking at Singapore Saving bond and reset my DBS Vicker’s Securities account to learn about Singapore stock market. Concept is to go in when it’s the lowest and market view is on the downside. Covid period see such opportunities, where future is uncertain and future is very bleak indid.

Remember my last year of work, both leg and back are telling me age is catching up and the need to maintain proper excerising. Still remember using hiking stick to walk to office with difficulties of standing after prolong sitting posture. After retirement, starts my regular therapy at nearby clinic for my back and it’s was a struggle in the beginning. Couple with control hiking trip, the body seem to be able to re-adjust for the better.

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