Thursday, May 25, 2023

Thursday Fulung outing 2023/5/25

Rain has been falling for last two days before this trip. However, weather report said it’s sunny sky in Fuzlong, we do hope so. Visited ShiDing suspension bridge and a Matt sugar maker on the way. Went to 福隆帆船俱樂部, meet an old friend and have a chat on the current situation of the sailing club. The ladies like the air-con starbuck restuarant facing the ocean, a good cup of comfort coffee just after seafood lunch at 富士海鮮. Return trip driving along the coastline is cozy and pit stop for tea break sitting comfortably facing the ocean.



0900hrs - 木柵捷運線,科技大樓站的對面路邊(復興南路二段)集合。

0910hrs - 開車走石碇-》平溪-〉貢寮-》福隆。沿路景點看看走走。

  1. 石碇吊橋
  2. 五號高數公路,下方⬇️平行的步道走走半小時。
  3. 草嶺古道登山口看看。

1100hrs - 到福隆飯店,到二樓的餐廳喝茶看風景聊是非。


經典飲品 100 TWD 

精選蛋糕 150 TWD 

海洋輕食 320 TWD 

每人低消 160  


1230hrs - 午餐富士海鮮餐廳。到漂亮白色沙灘走走。

1400hrs - 可以買福隆便當回台北。

1430hrs - 走濱海公路北上回台北。沿路看景點。Bring your own nice cup for tea break rest point.

1600hrs - 到台北。


Sunday, May 21, 2023

Reached 60s, $5 SIMBA Mobile plan - 2023/5/10

Thank you SG Tea-House friend, BanSai for recommending SG Mobile phone operator “SIMBA”. They have mobile plan for senior who is 60s and above, at S$5 fee per 30days. The internet is workable at selected countries, which includes Taiwan, fortunately. Applied after crossing 2023/5/10 birthday mark. 
The only issue is about shipping SIM card from my NRIC’s official address. Ask my tenant Misa to post it to Taiwan Jenny’s office address and deduct postage fee from next rental payment.
The true is, digital transformation in payment has turnaround during covid period. Simply one cannot survive without mobile apps, which required internet access on mobile phone.
Status as of
 2023/5/21 - need two weeks for delivery to SG address. 
2023/6/28 - second application package still have not arrive after checking with tenant Misa.


BG/Constance 伴山別墅House Warming 2023/5/21

Thanks Constance inviting us to their new home in XinDian and taking effort to book karaoke room with abundance foods and SG Kopi waiting for us. All attended has a good time singing along and eating away with entertainment coupled with younger generation running around this spacious karaoke room. YuXian/Ben and ShizJia family join the gang with their baby girl in towed.
Bring in ShiJia family to join this group of friends as her daughter is growing up and much mobile stage already. Sarah also tag along with sunny to join the party for the first time.
New knowledge : Great to meet Ben family again, after our first contact during NTU alumni outing tour. Ben brought this cocktail that can be added to coffee, thus, bringing up the taste buds.


Thursday, May 18, 2023

2023 May 10th Birthday.

       Jenny brought a cheese cake to celebrate my 60s birthday and thank Hwei for taking time to call me to wish.
       Surprised to received a LINE gift from Sky for a pair of Starbuck drink/cake gift. 
        Wish double H for Happy and Healthy

Cheese cake from Jenny

Line gift from Sky.

 Thanks Sunny to calling me up when he comes to Taipei. Thanks for this special day’s treat at 2nd Floor restaurant

Sunday, May 07, 2023

Two full years retirement, review on May 2023

Beginning of May 2023 marked the second year since I retired from work. Conducted my first review in year one Year 2022 after retirement, and thought it might be good to re-analyze my retirement plan deeper in retirement year number two.

Perhaps, the best retirement second anniversary is celebrated by joining the 頭城農場 day tour organised by NTU Alumni in taiwan. I recorded the tour on video, edited and share the sweet memories.

NTU alumni

It's lucky that Taiwan has a small batch of Alumni with its objective being connecting socially and not purely on professional ground. Whether it is yearly AGM or activities, my strategy is to support Chairman and be present, but refrain from holding any official post. May be helping in taking photos and video editing. Recent events, chairman allows invitation of friends to event, which l invite friend Janny Koh to join.


Health Status
Though the body’s back still felt stiff when sit for a longer period of time. But it has become less stressful because of regular hiking and dancing activities. Some YouTuber mentioned, retirement need to include un-predicted expenses. Furthermore, highlighting medical expenses in video progrmme  being one major “un-predictable” huge expenses. Thus, it is of uptmost important to always upkeep health to the ultimate tiptop condition whenever possible. Regular meal and less overeating like buffet, less rice intake and more vegetables. Myself has starts to take less sugar and tries more KoSong drinks. Sugar intake do affect tooth health condition, need to brush teeth’s when taking sweet desserts. Outdoor social activities is very important by going out, instead of staying at home watching TV and access internet more passively.

Financial Status

The feeling of seeing my HuaNan saving account money's amount dwindling is a little uneasy. Luckily, the regular passive income from flat rental lighten the stress. Currently, rental amount accumulated is used to invest stable SG share stock with relatively good dividend, with assumption such investment being bank’s fixed interest. Jenny has also starting her CPF Life topping up to enjoy the better interest. Hope things goes well when we reached 65 years old.

Socializing Skillset
Two years of interacting with Taiwanese friends at dance classes have definitely made me a better person with improved people communicating skills. Emphasis the important of looking at their viewpoints and improve my listening skill. Decided on best strategy by knowing one person per classroom and concentrate my attention, instead diltuing recources by knowing everyone. It seem to be a good strategy.

Making home breakfast skill

Waking automating around 6am as I reached 60 year old. Thus, it is also good timing to prepare simple breakfast and boiling hot water daily,

Internet & Social Media

Current status includes maintaining three Facebook Acoounts (Personal Profile, Singa FB and 新生公園 FB), Blogging at Mountaining and Singaporeaness to keep myself in both Chinese and English minimum level writing skill. IG purposes is to keep the foods photo records.Not forgetting my own personal homepage setup and pracising my GoPro and video editing capabilties.

Mobile SIM card - SG online connect

Applied for SIMBA senior S$5 mobile plan on May 17 recommended by BunSe. Still need a mobile number in Singapore to accept SG governmental application and stuffs. SIM card delivery by online registration, Singpass authentication required.
