Thursday, May 25, 2023

Thursday Fulung outing 2023/5/25

Rain has been falling for last two days before this trip. However, weather report said it’s sunny sky in Fuzlong, we do hope so. Visited ShiDing suspension bridge and a Matt sugar maker on the way. Went to 福隆帆船俱樂部, meet an old friend and have a chat on the current situation of the sailing club. The ladies like the air-con starbuck restuarant facing the ocean, a good cup of comfort coffee just after seafood lunch at 富士海鮮. Return trip driving along the coastline is cozy and pit stop for tea break sitting comfortably facing the ocean.



0900hrs - 木柵捷運線,科技大樓站的對面路邊(復興南路二段)集合。

0910hrs - 開車走石碇-》平溪-〉貢寮-》福隆。沿路景點看看走走。

  1. 石碇吊橋
  2. 五號高數公路,下方⬇️平行的步道走走半小時。
  3. 草嶺古道登山口看看。

1100hrs - 到福隆飯店,到二樓的餐廳喝茶看風景聊是非。


經典飲品 100 TWD 

精選蛋糕 150 TWD 

海洋輕食 320 TWD 

每人低消 160  


1230hrs - 午餐富士海鮮餐廳。到漂亮白色沙灘走走。

1400hrs - 可以買福隆便當回台北。

1430hrs - 走濱海公路北上回台北。沿路看景點。Bring your own nice cup for tea break rest point.

1600hrs - 到台北。


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