Saturday, July 08, 2023

Megan Foo in Taiwan 2023/7/9

Counted that is the fourth times Megan is here in Taiwan. Earlier being whole family trip (Dick, LayHoon, Mavis & Megan), remembering bringing the whole gang to 六福村 amusement park. Still have the video seeing both taking a pony ride.  The previous trip when they tour japan and drop by Taiwan (Dick and Megan), sill has the photo taken at 淡水漁人碼頭。
July 2023 is special where Megan came with her best friend Anissa Chan Yan Wen and roam around Taipei city on their own. I got them each a travel card 都會通 for east travelling. Surprisingly, both can accept stingy tofu, especially Anissa who tried many version of stingy tofu. Invited Theo our house for quick using Panda delivery and thereafter brought them to YuanShan hotel. 


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