Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Family visit Taiwan 2023/10/23

Love Singapore relative taken time to visit us in Taipei. Brought them to our house for visiting and catching up about family life going before and now.

Bonia Jennifer Chua visit 2023/10/22

Old friend from Bonia company, pickup Jennifer chua and her husband Richard from hotel. They love the first tourist site I brought them, ie. Grand Hotel. Richard knows his Taiwan history. Follows by lunch at YangMing mountain 冠宸. Business is so good that it has loss it’s champ of outdoor eatery.


Thursday, October 19, 2023

New Air-Con@Macpherson 3023/10/18

Tenant decided on her own to do aircon chemical cleaning , we have to bear half the amount which is  S$141.60. Had told Billy to remind tenant to inform us as owner, about repair expenses for approval. Else, we are not paying.

Obviously, chemical cleaning don’t works and tenant come back to ask when we can install a new aircon. Choose Mitsubishi brand costing S$1400 with installation. Had also online registration for warranty with S/no. provided by Billy.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Singapore Trip 2023/10/29

Singapore Trip Schedule 10/29 to 11/5

Sunday,2023/10/29 - Arrival. Attended Dick’s father funeral wake at SengKang.

Monday,2023/10/30 - Jenny in conference. Visit RedHill 3rd Auntie for lunch. Submit passion card anpplication, one month to send to home address.  Inspects macpherson home. 

Tuesday,2023/10/31 -  Jenny in conference. Visit Hougang 2nd Auntie (buy two pack of coffee for Sam). Meet up with TeaHouse friends at hotel. YK/CS/YP/Steven.

Wednesday,2023/11/1 -  Jenny in conference. Went to checkout macpherson house. Go for museums walk in city.

Thursday,2023/11/2 - lunch meet with CBK, Goto CCK

Friday,2023/11/3 - visit NTU with Lay Hoon. Visit Bedok first uncle. 

Saturday,2023/11/4 - Gary lunch @CCK, Family dinner 

Sunday,2023/11/5 - Meet Chiam 8am at CCK Blk 133. Departure 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Sunny, Cindy & Sarah drop by 2023/10/15

Sunny family drop by our place after visiting Taipei outdoor show at Nangang. Their adopted son got a good sleep at our comfortable sofa. Daughter Sarah has growth in height since our meet and she is now in 國一。Got done dessert and make hit tea for the visitors. Settle our dinner using panda delivery.


Sunday, October 01, 2023

KhengSoon & Chiam, House visit 2023/10/1

Rare opportunity to meet NTU old friends here in Taipei city.Tan Kheng Soon and Chaim Sing Lin brought their wife for a week tour of northern Taiwan. Jenny and me join them for the TaiPing mountain park tour, which Ned 2.5hours of driving using rented van to reach. We meet again in Taipei after they finished their tour to MiaoLi and HsinChu area.

Managed to catch KS and LH for lunch when they visit 保安宮 on Friday. Whereas, Chiam and HH returning later drop by our house, where we enjoy simple Uber 八方雲集 dinner together.

Elephant Mountain with NTU friends 2023/9/29

Kheng Soon, Chiam and their wife met at Coppii Lumii Cafe early in the morning queue. Thereafter, split to shopping group and hiking group at elephant mountain. Jenny accompanied LH at ZhongShan Mitsubishi department store, while we hike up elephants mountain in 45minutes.

Took a bus to 迪化街 , which I think the visitors likes roaming the restored old street once a busing shopping belt in early days of Taipei city.