Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Singapore Trip 2023/10/29

Singapore Trip Schedule 10/29 to 11/5

Sunday,2023/10/29 - Arrival. Attended Dick’s father funeral wake at SengKang.

Monday,2023/10/30 - Jenny in conference. Visit RedHill 3rd Auntie for lunch. Submit passion card anpplication, one month to send to home address.  Inspects macpherson home. 

Tuesday,2023/10/31 -  Jenny in conference. Visit Hougang 2nd Auntie (buy two pack of coffee for Sam). Meet up with TeaHouse friends at hotel. YK/CS/YP/Steven.

Wednesday,2023/11/1 -  Jenny in conference. Went to checkout macpherson house. Go for museums walk in city.

Thursday,2023/11/2 - lunch meet with CBK, Goto CCK

Friday,2023/11/3 - visit NTU with Lay Hoon. Visit Bedok first uncle. 

Saturday,2023/11/4 - Gary lunch @CCK, Family dinner 

Sunday,2023/11/5 - Meet Chiam 8am at CCK Blk 133. Departure 

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