Thursday, October 17, 2013

CNY 2014 Flight detail.

Things to do:
1) Chingay Festival 2014 :  Feb 7(Friday) and Feb 8(Saturday) at F1 pits location.
       > Beside on TV, it will be exciting to see on the ground, though we have no ticket.
2) Australia, Perth Top Tour.
     Day1- Landed 1820hrs. Stay at Perth Warthwood B&B
     Day2- Head to Margaret River. Use the longer ocean scenic route.
                Stay at River Park
     Day3- Full day at Margaret River. Stay at River Park
     Day4- Head to Ranghminton. Use the shorter inland highway route.
                Stay at Ranghminton
     Day5- Tour Frementle and Perth city.
                Departure 1900hrs
3) Lee Kim Huat's place @ Hillview - Got pickup service yeh !

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