Saturday, May 04, 2024

Catchup with ShihMing - 2024/5/4

ShihMing family migrated to Canada already one year. While outstation work at Shanghai, he detour to Taiwan during China's May holiday. Co-ordinate with GLE and Janny to cook fried rice at our house, then pickup ShihMing at 大坪林 mrt station. BG was stomach upset and rest at home. We went Karaoke.

Quoting words from GLE 
“ 今天過了一個愉快的週末,美食加卡拉OK!要謝謝葆哥葆嫂‘抱病’招待,也要謝謝KC和Jenny 的接送和烤鴨、午餐肉炒飯,還有Sunny 賢伉儷的榴蓮和鹽水雞、Janny 的美味蛋糕,葆哥和葆嫂的披薩、麥片蝦和正宗新加坡咖啡!也品嚐到了世民遠道自上海帶來的美味玫瑰香花餅,撐得我晚餐也免了!這裡也要祝福世民明天回滬一路順風,事業蒸蒸日上!盼不久的將來再見👋,並再有機會聽到你的歌聲,一飽耳福。”


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